The Nordic Bell friends welcome you
to a society with focus on bells, carillon and organ music.
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From the charter of the association: "The society aims at developing and spreading knowledge about and interest for all sorts of bells and carillons, in an instructive, cultural and historical manner." |
Our last conference tooke place in the Sound region that is in Malmö and Landskrona, Sweden and in Fredensborg and Gurre, Denmark in August 8 - 10, 2008. Our annual conference 2006 took place in Aalborg, Denmark in August 3 - 6, 2006. Our annual conference 2005 took place in Norrköping and Linköping, Sweden in August 18 - 21, 2005. Out of the agenda: Carillon recitals by Arne Lindgren and Per Thunarf Lecture on International Ringing Traditions by Arne Lindgren
Organ recital by Olle Elgenmark on Bach, Elgenmark and Widor Our annual conference 2004 took place in Kolding, Denmark September 2 - 5.
S:t Nikolai Church, Vejle, Denmark From the agenda 2004: Organ recital by Olle Elgenmark Visit to the Tubalka Bell Foundry in Vejle Carillon recitals by Erik Kure and Ulla Laage Lecture on bells and carillons by Arne Lindgren Some other pictures from the conference 2004
The board of The Nordic Bellfriends: Agneta Elgenmark, Arne Lindgren, Ulla Laage and Allan Bäck
Great inauguration of a new carillon in Copenhagen 2003
The Church of the Holy Spirit at the pedestrian street "Strøget" in Copenhagen
Click here to see pictures from the event!
* * * * * We had our first Annual conference in Copenhagen September 27-29, 2002 Among others: Visit in the City hall of Copenhagen and lecture by the Danish composer Bent Lorentzen |
Some of the annual conference attenders in the year 2002
Links to more pictures from the conference 2002:
Photos on the Thursday and Friday events 2003
Photos from the Saturday and the Sunday 2003
Here you can read Ulla Laage´s article on
Great bell in St John´s Church, Copenhagen, Denmark
Carilloneur plays in Sta Clara Church in Stockholm, Sweden
Some interesting links: The Guild of Carilloneurs of North America World Carillon Web Site Index 2004
Contact us:
Agneta Elgenmark, webbmaster and photographer:
Do so, if you want to join us, if you want to register for a meeting or you need some information!
Updated 15 September 2008